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Create Your Own Home Spa with a Sauna or Steam Shower

A homeowner faces a lot of options when it comes to a bathroom remodeling project. What amenities can they install or upgrade, depending upon the space available and the budget? What is the overall goal of the remodeling project itself? Is it to just modernize the fixtures? Is it to make the bathroom a friendlier place for those with special needs? In many instances, homeowners are looking to up the luxury factor as they spend so much time in the bathroom and are looking to make it an oasis of peace where they can relax and cast off the worries of the outside world for a time. All About Bathrooms and More has helped many people achieve this goal, and one proven method is installing a sauna or steam shower in the bathroom.

There is a good reason why saunas and steam showers are becoming more popular as a bathroom component – health. There are proven health benefits for using such facilities on a regular basis. Harvard Medical School reports a study that followed Finnish men for 20 years. The study found that regular visits to the sauna kept the heart healthy and resulted in a lower death rate. Over the course of 20 years, 49% of the men who went once a week to the sauna died in comparison to just 38% for men who went two to three times a week. For men who went four to seven times per week, their date rate was only 31%. (1)

shutterstock_1283450497-300x179 Create Your Own Home Spa with a Sauna or Steam ShowerThe Mayo Clinic also reports the health benefits of saunas. It notes using a sauna reduces stress and produces the same physiological responses as moderate exercise. In addition, sauna bathing reduces the risk of vascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary diseases, such as the flu, as well as providing beneficial treatment for headaches, certain skin conditions, and rheumatism. (2) All in all, a sauna is relaxing but also provides a lot of health benefits, as long as the sauna is used for the appropriate period of time.

All About Bathrooms and More recognizes that one of the benefits of a sauna when it comes to a bathroom remodeling project is that they don’t need much room. Take, for example, the Clearlight Sanctuary 1 model. Its exterior dimensions are only 48” in depth, 43” in width, and a height of 77”. (3) Like many modern saunas, the Clearlight Sanctuary 1 comes with a host of features. It offers digital controls, optional medical grade chromotherapy lighting, full spectrum infrared heating technology, a built-in charging and audio station, optional smartphone control, and a reservation mode where one can set the sauna to turn on up to 36 hours in advance – which is perfect when you know when you’re coming in from a cold day skiing on the slopes.

There are options when it comes to saunas for your bathroom remodeling project. Saunas can be purchased as a whole unit or built on-site. Wood is the chosen component as it does not absorb the heat, unlike tile, allowing the homeowner to relax in comfort. White cedar, pine, hemlock, and eucalyptus are popular wood choices. There are different ways to heat the sauna up to the desired range between 150º and 190º: infrared heat, gas, electric, or the traditional stone-and-coal heater. Price and space availability does play a role in choosing the heat source, such as infrared heat is the most expensive. All About Bathrooms and More can show you the many options available to create the sauna that is absolutely perfect for you. Placing a sauna next to the shower is a popular choice as it allows the homeowner to quickly cool off in the shower after using the sauna.

Another option for luxurious relaxation is a steam shower. Steam showers offer the same health benefits as saunas, and a normal shower can be adapted into a steam shower. An additional benefit of a steam shower is that it takes less time to generate heat than a sauna. Steam is generated from a steam generator that usually holds a gallon of water, which is then piped into the shower enclosure. The water expenditure is minimal. Many steam generators can produce steam for 20 minutes by just using 2 gallons of water. This water use is far less than using a water-saving showerhead. Such little water use means you can relax for as long as you wish with a guilt-free conscience. The design experts at All About Bathrooms and More can show you the different steam generators that will be just right for your needs as the size of the shower enclosure and structural components (tile or stone) will have to be taken into consideration.

Installing a sauna or steam shower is the right choice when you’re looking to transform your bathroom into a peaceful retreat from the demands of a harsh world. There are numerous options available to fit all budget levels, and the health benefits have long been proven. Even better is that installing a steam shower or sauna enhances the value of your home. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us today.











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